Toronto, Ontario Canada 04/27/08

KYO DAKE WA) Today only
(IKARU NA) Do not anger
(SHINPAI SUNA) Do not worry
KANSHA SHITE) With thankfulness
(GYO WO HAGEME) Work diligently
(HITO NI SHINSETSU NI) Be kind to others
I'm very happy to share with you that I just got back from Toronto, ON after satisfactorily completed "Komyo Reiki Shinpiden and is accredited as Shihan/Teacher" by Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese term.
Rei means something mysterious,miraculous, and sacred.
Ki means the atmosphere or something subtle or the energy of the universe.
The Japanese words Reiki can be defined as a miraculous and sacred energy of the universe, which sustains all life (Reiki is the name, used by Usui Sensei, for the universal/cosmic energy.)
Komyo Reiki is a doorway to spiritual awakening and a path of "Satori" or enlightenment.
Komyo Reiki Kai purpose (Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei)
*To impove the mind and body, and maintain optimal health by means of Reiki Ryoho(Healing Art) practice.
*To live a healthy and peaceful daily life.
*To strive on, through Reiki practice, to cultivate and uplift humanity and spirituality so as to attain the ultimate objective of Reiki Ryoho, i.e., "the absolute INNER PEACE or "satori" ("Anshin Ritsumei" in the terms of Usui Sensei)
Komyo Reiki Kai Motto
Go placidly in the midst of praise or blame
(kissa ko)
A cup of tea,
A cup of enlightenment!
-INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei