Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hawayo Takata and Symbols - James Deacon

Hawayo Takata and Symbols
- James Deacon

" Hawayo Takata Sensei taught that the Reiki symbols were sacred and are not shown to students who are not attuned. Her students were required to memorize the symbols and were not permitted to keep written copies of the symbols. Hawayo Takata believed that the symbols should be treated with respect, even the practice sheets used by students ...
in her Reiki classes had to disposed of respectfully, rather than crumped up and dumped in a bin."

NOTE: Feel free to share your verified and/or updated information. With gratitude to James Deacon for his valuable contributions thus far to the Reiki community.

Thank you!
- Lilia

Komyo Reiki Kai New York